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Thursday, December 2, 2021

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FUNDSFORWRITERS I am interested in Our free weekly newsletters reach 27,000 subscribers and counting Main Menu Contests Writing contests provide steps up for a writer – especially a struggling writer. A portfolio that contains contest wins means more than many clips. Can’t afford the entry fees? Consider entering one contest a quarter or something more amiable to your pocketbook. A few are free. Contests provide prizes, prestige and usually publication with many offering book contracts. Denouncing contests from your writing repertoire is like discounting an entire genre or refusing to eat yellow vegetables. You’re giving up something valuable that may serve you and your career well. NOTE: To have your group’s contest posted, email hope@chopeclark.com with the link to the contest. It must pay a minimum of a $200 first prize, not take all rights for entering, and charge an entry fee of five percent or less. WRITER’S DIGEST SHORT STORY COMPETITION https://www.writersdigest.com/writers-digest-competitions/short-short-story-competition $30 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 15, 2021. Think you can write a winning story in 1,500 words or less? Enter the 22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition for your chance to win $3,000 in cash, get published in Writer’s Digest magazine, and a paid trip to our ever-popular Writer’s Digest Conference! Second place wins $1,500 and publication. Third place wins $500 and publication. Fourth through tenth place winners receive $100 and publication. INTERACT STROKE SUPPORT’S RUTH RENDELL SHORT STORY COMPETITION https://www.interactstrokesupport.org/ssc2020 £15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 21, 2021. The winner of the competition will be commissioned to write four further stories for InterAct Stroke Support over the course of one year, and will receive £1,000 in payment. The challenge is to write a short story in any genre, with no more than 1,000 words. We are looking for positive stories as they will be read in the sensitive environment of a hospital setting. THE SOCIETY OF CLASSICAL POETS POETRY COMPETITION https://classicalpoets.org/2021/09/01/the-society-of-classical-poets-2022-poetry-competition/ $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2021. First prize $2,000 and publication. One to three poems on any topic. All together, the poems should total 108 lines or less. Poems must contain meter (beginners and students may simply count syllables). Rhyme and other traditional techniques are encouraged as well, but not required. High school prize is $200. There is a translation prize of $100. THE NEXT GENERATION INDIE BOOK AWARDS https://indiebookawards.com/guidelines.php $75 ENTRY FEE. Deadline February 11, 2022. The 2022 Next Generation Indie Book Awards is open to all indie book authors and publishers including independent publishers (small, medium or otherwise), university presses, self-published authors, e-book authors, seasoned authors and even first time authors in the U.S., Canada or internationally who have a book, a manuscript, or a galley proof written in English and published in 2020, 2021 or 2022 or with a 2020, 2021 or 2022 copyright date. First place in fiction and nonfiction $1,500 and trophy. Second place in fiction and nonfiction $750 and trophy. Third place in fiction and nonfiction $500 and trophy. Winner of each of the 80+ categories $100 and gold medal. Up to five finalists in each of the 80+ categories. THE WRITER FALL SHORT STORY CONTEST https://www.writermag.com/contests/ VARIOUS ENTRY FEES. Deadline December 15, 2021. Grand prize: $1,000 and publication in our magazine. Other prizes: Second prize: $500 and publication on writermag.com; third prize: $250 and publication on writermag.com. Any theme, subject, or genre is fair game, as long as it falls under 2,000 words. NOWHERE MAGAZINE TRAVEL WRITING PRIZE https://nowherepublishing.submittable.com/submit/203241/fall-2021-travel-writing-prize $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 15, 2021. Award-winning literary travel magazine Nowhere is accepting submissions for our Fall 2021 Travel Writing Prize. We are looking for novice and accomplished writers from anywhere in the world to send us stories—long-form fiction, short story, narrative nonfiction, essay or poetry—that possess a powerful sense of people, place or time. Reprints, simultaneous submissions and unpublished work are welcome. Entries must not have previously won a competition. The winner will receive US$1,000, with publication in Nowhere granted under First North American Serial Rights (FNASR). Up to ten finalists also may be published. LITMAG’S ANTON CHEKHOV AWARD FOR FLASH FICTION https://litmag.submittable.com/submit/198271/litmags-anton-chekhov-award-for-flash-fiction-2021-first-prize-1-250-publi $16 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 30, 2021. First Prize $1,250 and publication in LitMag and agency review by Nat Sobel of Sobel Weber Associates, Erin Harris and Sonali Chanchani of Folio Literary Management, Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency, David Forrer of Inkwell Management, Monika Woods of Triangle House, and Emily Forland of Brandt & Hochman. Three finalists will receive $100 each. All finalists will be considered for possible agency review and publication. Entries must be short stories between 500 and 1,500 words. LILITH FICTION CONTEST https://lilith.org/about-old/writing-for-lilith/ Deadline December 31, 2021. Lilith Magazine—Independent, Jewish & frankly feminist—seeks quality short fiction, 3,000 words or under, for our Annual Fiction Contest. First prize $250 and publication. We especially like work with both feminist and Jewish content, and are eager to read submissions from emerging writers of any age. LITMAG’S VIRGININA WOOLF AWARD FOR SHORT FICTION https://litmag.submittable.com/submit/198272/litmags-virginia-woolf-award-for-short-fiction-2021-first-prize-2-500 $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2021. First Prize: $2,500, publication in LitMag and agency review by Nat Sobel of Sobel Weber Associates, Lisa Bankoff of Bankoff Collaborative, Erin Harris and Sonali Chanchani of Folio Literary Management, Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency, David Forrer of Inkwell Management, Monika Woods of Triangle House, and Emily Forland of Brandt & Hochman. Three finalists will receive $100 each. All finalists will be considered possible agency review and publication. Entries must be short stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. THE TWO SYLVIAS PRESS 2021 WILDER SERIES POETRY BOOK PRIZE http://twosylviaspress.com/wilder-series-poetry-book-prize.html $20 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2021. The Wilder Series Book Prize is open to women over 50 years of age (established or emerging poets) and includes a $1,000 prize, publication by Two Sylvias Press, 20 copies of the winning book, and a vintage, art nouveau pendant. Women submitting manuscripts may be poets with one or more previously published chapbooks/books or poets without any prior chapbook/book publications. All manuscripts will be considered for publication. Length: 48-80 pages of poems. THE WRITER FALL SHORT STORY CONTEST https://writermag.submittable.com/submit/206993/2021-fall-short-story-contest $25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 15, 2021. Grand prize: $1,000 and publication in our magazine. Other prizes: Second prize: $500 and publication on writermag.com; third prize: $250 and publication on writermag.com. Limit 2,000 words. CLASH OF THE QUERY LETTERS CONTEST https://darlingaxe.com/pages/query-letter-clash $5 CAD ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 31, 2022. Our judge, Michelle Barker, will be asking herself one question: does this query letter convince me that I’m in the hands of an adept novelist with a unique and engaging story to tell? Limit 500 words. First place: $700 CAD. Second place: $200 CAD. Third place: $100 CAD. All three finalists will be published on the Chopping Blog and receive complimentary access to a Darling Axe self-paced course. 2022 MINOTAUR BOOKS/MYSTERY WRITERS OF AMERICA FIRST CRIME NOVEL COMPETITION https://us.macmillan.com/minotaurbooks/writing-competitions/ NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 17, 2021. The Competition is open to any writer, regardless of nationality, aged 18 or older, who has never been the author of any Published Novel (in any genre.) Murder or another serious crime or crimes is at the heart of the story. If a winner is selected, Minotaur Books will offer to enter into its standard form author’s agreement with the entrant for publication of the winning Manuscript. After execution of the standard form author’s agreement by both parties, the winner will receive an advance against future royalties of $10,000. On the condition that the selected winner accepts and executes the publishing contract proposed by Minotaur Books, the winner will then be recognized at the Edgar Awards Banquet in New York City in April 2022. All Manuscripts submitted must be original works of book length (no less than approximately 65,000 words) written in the English language. THE TONY HILLERMAN PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST MYSTERY SET IN THE SOUTHWEST https://us.macmillan.com/minotaurbooks/tonyhillermanprize/ NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 1, 2022. To be eligible to enter the Contest, each potential entrant must not be the author of a published mystery novel and must not be a party to any agreement with a publisher pursuant to which a mystery novel written by the entrant may be published. To enter the Contest, entrants must submit a manuscript of a fictional work written in English and must be book length (approximately 60,000 words or 220 pages). Murder or another serious crime or crimes must be at the heart of the story and the story should focus on the solving of the crime(s) rather than the details of such crime(s). The story’s primary setting must be one or more of the following states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and/or Utah. The Grand Prize consists of an offer to have the manuscript published under the imprint Minotaur Books. The terms of the Publishing Offer will be as set forth in Sponsor’s standard form author agreement and will include an advance against future royalties (if any) in the amount of $10,000. THE LAURA BOSS NARRATIVE POETRY AWARD https://laurabosspoetryfoundation.org/award $25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 31, 2022. The fee may be waived for entrants experiencing financial hardship. Email laurabosspoetryfoundation@gmail.com to request a fee waiver. Submit up to ten poems from the manuscript, not to exceed 10 pages total, with each poem starting on a new page. Semi-finalists will be announced June 1, 2022, and invited to submit full manuscripts (70-90 pages). All full manuscripts must be submitted by 11:59 pm July 31, 2022. Five finalists and the winner will be selected from the semi-finalist manuscripts. The winner of the Laura Boss Narrative Poetry Book Award receives publication by New York Quarterly Books, 25 author copies, $5,000 prize (not treated as an advance toward royalties), a reading in fall of 2022 in Paterson, NJ. Five finalists will receive $100 prize and invitation to participate in the reading in September 2022 in Paterson, NJ. THE DISQUIET PRIZE https://disquietinternational.org/the-program/contests-scholarships/the-disquiet-prize/ $15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 24, 2022. Accepting submissions in fiction, poetry, and nonfiction. Contest winners in each category will have their winning work published in North America’s leading publications: fiction in Granta.com, poetry in The Common, and nonfiction in NinthLetter.com. One grand prize winner will receive a full fellowship (airfare stipend, tuition, and housing included) to the 2022 DISQUIET International Program in Lisbon, Portugal. Genre winners will receive a $500 prize in addition to publication. Prose limited to 25 pages. Poetry limited to six poems and ten pages. DEL SHORES WRITERS SEARCH – CONTEST AND GRANTS https://www.delshoresfoundation.org/writerssearch2021 ENTRY FEE: See categories and deadline for various entry fees. Deadline December 31, 2021. Must identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community. Must be 18 years or older. Must be a current resident of one of 15 Southern States inclusive of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and West Virginia. Open to screenwriters or playwrights who have had previous features, full-length plays or short film produced by non-independent means are ineligible. Limit 80-130 pages for screenplay. Playwriting – must be full length, single or multiple acts, no musicals. 75+ minutes or 60-130 pages. Short film/web series limited to 8-25 pages. Cash Awards will be given to a single winner in each category: Short Film/Web Series – $1,000; Screenwriting – $3,000; Playwriting – $3,000. Grants will be made available associated with each category to promote the development of each winner. Short Film/Web Series – a grant of $2,000 to the production budget of the winner if produced within one year of winning the award. Screenwriting – travel and accommodations provided to the winner for a three-day trip to Los Angeles to meet with production companies. Playwriting – a $10,000 grant to the production budget of the first professional theatre company to produce the winning play. SCIENCE FICTION FIRST PAGES CONTEST https://writersinstitute.lpages.co/ifw-sci-fi-first-pages-contest-2021/ $19 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 15, 2021. Our judge is looking for a compelling opening or event and a likable, believable main character, human or otherwise. If the story is set on earth, establish where and when ASAP. If the story is set elsewhere, on another planet, a spaceship, or other alien (to humans) environment, nail that immediately to ground readers. Be sure to reveal at least a hint of the story problem and what obstacles the character must overcome. Entries for this contest will include a one-sentence book summary followed by no more than 1,000 words from the beginning of your book. Prizes $650, $350, $100, $100, and $100. All entrants are invited to a FREE instructional online workshop with our esteemed judge. Winning entries will be workshopped by our judge to help writers understand what worked and what could be improved to make it submission-ready. DO WHA(TS) WRITE! CREATIVE WRITING CONTEST https://www.dowhatswrite.com/ $2 ENTRY FEE. Deadline December 31, 2021. In running Do Wha(TS) Write, Julie hopes to not only raise money for Tourette Canada, but also to raise awareness about a condition often ridiculed and dismissed in popular culture. Limit 1,000 words. First prize $200 CAD. There is no required prompt or topic. There is no preferred genre or format of story. No poetry. This contest is international – you do not have to reside in Canada to participate. THREE MILE HARBOR PRESS POETRY CONTEST https://3mileharborpress.submittable.com/submit $28 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 1, 2022. Send a manuscript of 48-88 pages poetry in a single document via our online submissions manager, Submittable. CLOUDBANK 16 CONTEST https://cloudbankbooks.com/contest-rules/ $15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline March 15, 2022. Submit up to five poems/flash fiction pieces. Flash fiction should be no more than 500 words. All writers who enter the contest receive a two-issue subscription to Cloudbank magazine. A prize of $200 is awarded for one poem or flash fiction. DISQUIET LITERARY COMPETITION http://disquietinternational.org/the-program/contests-scholarships/the-disquiet-prize/ $15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline January 24, 2022. This contest is for writing in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry, by a writer who has not yet published more than one book with a major press. The first prize winners in each genre will be published: the fiction winner in Granta.com, the nonfiction winner in Ninthletter.com, and the poetry winner in The Common. One grand prize winner will receive a full scholarship including tuition, lodging, and a $1,000 travel stipend to Lisbon in 2022 (June 26-July 8). Genre winners will receive a $500 cash prize in addition to publication. Fiction and nonfiction limited to 25 pages. Poetry limited to six poems and ten pages. SHMITA PRIZES About Creative Arts Prizes Deadline February 1, 2022. The Shmita Prizes web page will house a living archive of the creative responses submitted. This shmita creative arts library will serve as a source of inspiration while building a global network of Jewish artists committed to engaging with the teachings and values of shmita. A committee of professional artists will select one artist in each category to be awarded $1,800 with three additional awards of $250 each. Ritual objects submitted by June 15, 2021 may have the opportunity to be commissioned for production. (Thanks to www.erikadreifus.com ) NEW YORK THEATRE FESTIVAL https://newyorktheaterfestival.com/how-submit-theater-festival/ OPTIONAL PARTICIPATION FEE. Deadline Ongoing. All genres/submissions accepted from playwrights that live no further than 30 miles from Manhattan and provided submissions are between five and 90 minutes long. Productions must run with a complete cast and crew from NYC. Equity productions are welcome to participate. Categories Shirt, One Act, and Full Length. All genres accepted. Winterfest $3,500 prize. Summerfest $4,500 prize. In addition to the Best Play or Musical there will also be several nominations: Best Actress $500 Best Actor $500 Best Director $500 Singer $500 Best Music Score $300 Best Short $500 Most Creative Play or Musical $500 Choreography $200 If your play/musical is accepted in our festival, there is a payment to you of $75 if it is a SHORT, $150 if it is a ONE ACT, and $250 if it is FULL LENGTH. URBAN STAGES EMERGING PLAYWRIGHT AWARD https://urbanstages.org/submissions/ NO ENTRY FEE. Deadline Ongoing. Out of hundreds of submissions a year, we select 15-20 plays for readings. From these, we select one to three plays annually to go on to our workshopping phase. Our workshops are meant to prepare a play for our Off-Broadway stage. From our workshops, we select one to two plays for full productions, complete with a playwright’s contract and compensation (separate from the award). Our $500 Emerging Playwright Award (coupled with press coverage) is given to playwrights who show excellence and dedication throughout this process – from development to the stage. Plays may have been developed or produced elsewhere, but never produced in New York City. Plays from overseas and throughout the US are accepted and considered, but special attention will be given to playwrights who live in or near New York. NOTE: See more contests by joining our newsletters. We can keep you loaded with contests without you looking anywhere else! Our newsletters… Please remember to read ALL guidelines for a contest. FundsforWriters tries to research contests to the best of our ability, but we cannot confirm the credibility of each and every one without entering them ourselves. Be informed and be alert as you would with any market, publisher, agent or competition. Testimonials Dear Hope, The Emerald Theatre Company’s 10-minute play fest is going into its second year. Without you, and FundsforWriters, the first year might not have been possible. Thanks to the publicity from your newsletter, our little Memphis, Tennessee event received scripts from Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Vermont, West Virginia, Wyoming, the UK and New Zealand. This wealth of wonderful material yielded quality vignettes that made the best local actors and stage directors (including a popular local radio personality) eager to donate their time and talent – their presence, in turn, sold tickets. We played to packed houses and everyone had a great time. To our astonishment, Vermont Pride Theatre got wind of the show and asked to put it on in its entirety this coming July – meaning the playwrights who won prizes and recognition in our fest, will now receive additional recognition along with royalties. The bottom line is, without you, we would have had something rinky dink – with you we had something substantial. The publicity you provided on the front end made all the difference in the world! ~Caroline Sposto, www.whycaroline.com, (610) 597-9803 Hi Hope, we met at the SCWW conference in Myrtle Beach last October, and I was so impressed with your lecture that I subscribed to FFW as soon as I got home. I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that because of FFW, I submitted AND WON The 2008 William F. Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant for Unpublished Writers! My novel will be finished this week, and next weekend I’m going to Malice Domestic to accept the award. Thanks you, and keep up the great work. subscribe-btn Free FundsforWriters Weekly issues A free weekly newsletter that lists semi-pro or higher paying markets and contests as well as grants, crowdfunding, contests, publishers, agents and employers. Available to those with writing products/courses/conferences/etc. for advertising. Purchases short features from freelancers. View Archive. Subscribe Now: Email: Name: Privacy Policy 25,000 Reasons to Advertise With Us FundsforWriters reaches people with a passion for writing. Let writers know about your product or service through online or newsletter exposure. Since FFW limits its ads to writing-related services, you do not see those get-rich-quick schemes or anyone’s novel or poetry chapbook for sale. We are here to help you earn a living and be a better writer. learn-btn Donate to FFW Support our award winning publication FundsforWriters is a free publication that takes numerous hours a month to plan, research, write, and produce. If you have benefited from this publication that comes to your inbox faithfully each week, please consider making a monthly or one time donation. -LAURA KEPNER, SAFETY HARBOR WRITERS AND POETS Hope gave the keynote workshop at the Safety Harbor Writers Conference: Solving the Mystery of Writing, in Clearwater, Florida. Hope could have left after her keynote address, but instead, she stayed throughout the day and made a point to talk to individual writers one-on-one. At the end of the day, Hope participated in a panel and stayed for a Q&A. She left such a good impression on so many that I believe my conference would have been a success had she been my only presenter. LET’S EXPLORE THE WORLD OF WRITING TOGETHER SUBSCRIBE | ADVERTISE © 2000-2021, C. Hope Clark and FundsforWriters. Designed by SHAILA ABDULLAH, a certified women and minority-owned business.

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